SPM wants all pupils and students to participate fully in a wide range of appropriate activities and roles, to enable the development of the behaviors,

SPM principles and knowledge required to lead a healthy active lifestyle, improve skill set and understanding of a sport. We hope our philosophy will ensuring lifelong participation in sport and physical activity

All students are taught in mixed sex teaching groups and students follow a PE pathway that we feel will provide the best experience for each individual student.

After an initial setting process of arrival activities, students are placed into groups, single or pairs and aim to complete the learning objective.

The SPM team are all multi-sports coaches meaning their knowledge and delivery of sports are widely varied.

All coaches are DBS registered and have relevant coaching experience and certificates.


The three different SPM pathways all provide a broad and varied experience of Physical Education while ensuring that the activities covered are appropriate and that lessons are taught in a way that will maximise the progress made by students and their enjoyment of the subject. We hope long-term to influence the students to participate in extra-curricular clubs externally and our “SPM Sports Day” events.

The three pathways that students follow is

Progress, Participation & Performance


This is for students who find PE/sports difficult and may need additional help with the physical demands placed upon them as well as social nature of the subject. This pathway would be beneficial for students who are not very confident in PE lessons due to self-doubt, comparing themselves to others or are uninterested in sports. Additional support and attention is key for these students. Set them small, achievable targets.


This is aimed at students that want to get a broad and balanced experience from our subject. These lessons will be focused on mass participation and enjoyment with the focus on ensuring that students end the key stage participating fully in all lessons and leading an active and healthy lifestyle.


This has been designed to benefit those students looking to push themselves and may have interest to compete by representing school and clubs outside of school. Students with a keen interest in sport and wanting to continue to study PE at KS4 or beyond will be well suited to this pathway as well as students who are more confident in PE lessons. Students will be in lessons with like-minded peers and lessons will be taught with a performance element whilst still always ensuring mass participation and enjoyment.

Regardless of which pathway students follow, all students are encouraged to take part in PE for a minimum of 30 minutes, extra-curricular clubs, and external Sports clubs.  Staff will work closely with students to ensure that the correct pathway is being followed.

PE Sessions

We have experienced and qualified coaches who have taught the national curriculum of PE to a high standard for many years. We deliver all sports within the curriculum to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with completed lesson plans and key outcomes. The coaches will be able to take classes or year groups for single lessons or a whole morning / afternoon.

  • Schemes of work and lesson plans based on the National Curriculum

  • Specific Topic to be taught each lesson.

  • Support teachers to share lesson plans and ideas

  • Equipment to undertake all sport and education lesson.

External PE Sessions

We deliver all national curriculum sports but with a slight twist. As the sessions are not held in schools, we are able to format our sessions differently by including fun tag/invasion activities into our sports sessions.

All students enjoy the invasion aspect of SPM, you would have to attend to see how amazing the sessions are.

Sports Days

We provides sports days like no others! Our sports events are not the generic sports day.

When you attend an SPM sports events, each student will compete in several different sports as well as the famous athletic races. Each event is full of high energy, sweat, smiles, celebrations, individual awards and team awards.

Everyone loves sports day!!

Sports Clubs

We provide extra-curricular clubs to KS1 & KS2 in schools. These are internal and we also provide external sports clubs, interested individuals can enquire and join.

Please contact us if you’re interested in joing the SPM club.


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